Custom Kits

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Send more than swag – deliver an experience

We help you curate custom kits and gifts that go beyond the box and deliver one-of-a-kind experiences.
  • Strategic merchandising process
  • Streamlined data collection
  • Simplified fulfillment & logistics

Our merchandising experts walk you through every step of the kitting process, from product design and packaging to logistics and delivery.

Kits For All Occasions

No matter the occasion, we can build the perfect kit for it.
  • New Hire Onboarding
  • Holiday Gift
  • Employee Appreciation Gifts
  • Event Attendee Gifts
  • Influencer Kits
  • Sales & Marketing Kits
  • Gift With Purchase
  • VIP Gifts
  • And More…

Give Gifts A Personal Touch

Mix and match branded and unbranded products to create the perfect gift.

Logistics & Fulfillment

With 8 global state of the art fulfillment centers, BrandCloud can meet your needs wherever you are.

Reach Out For Help With A Custom Kit

Kitting Simplified

  • Access to premium products
  • Creative packaging options
  • Personalized box inserts & cards
  • Simplified logistics
  • Flexible delivery options
  • Secure online data portal or store

Organizations with a standardized employee onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity & 50% greater new hire retention.

Get Started

Our process starts with a comprehensive needs analysis, during which we partner with you to meticulously craft a bespoke plan for your kitting project that flawlessly aligns with your brand's ethos.

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